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Calendar of Meetings and Events

Reading with Dementia: Books and Beyond AM Session


National Council of Dementia Minds would like to invite you to a discussion for persons living with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia called Reading with Dementia: Books and Beyond. We specifically called the meeting Books and Beyond because reading in everyday life includes much more than books. It includes reading menus, recipes, text messages, directions, […]


Reading with Dementia: Books and Beyond PM Session


National Council of Dementia Minds would like to invite you to a discussion for persons living with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia called Reading with Dementia: Books and Beyond. We specifically called the meeting Books and Beyond because reading in everyday life includes much more than books. It includes reading menus, recipes, text messages, directions, […]


A Meeting of the Minds: My diagnosis experience (Session A)


My diagnosis experience If you are living with MCI or dementia you are invited to a Meeting of the Minds. It is a series of seven (7) Zoom meetings that will discuss the dementia journey including the days when changes were first noticed, the diagnosis experience, coming to terms with the diagnosis, sharing the diagnosis […]


A Meeting of the Minds: My diagnosis experience (Session B)


My diagnosis experience If you are living with MCI or dementia you are invited to a Meeting of the Minds. It is a series of seven (7) Zoom meetings that will discuss the dementia journey including the days when changes were first noticed, the diagnosis experience, coming to terms with the diagnosis, sharing the diagnosis […]



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For centuries, the dragonfly has been a symbol of change and self-realization. It represents hope, happiness, adaptability, and new beginnings.
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